
Cultural Conversation

Since November 2020 Queen’s Hall youth theatre, through the Cultural Conversation project, has taken part in Zoom sessions of 2 hours – with the Latvian youth theatre students.

This project was born out of a need to connect young people aged 16 to 18 living in a rural environment, with other young people whose experience may be environmentally similar, but whose culture is different with the aim of understanding, stimulating and strengthening connections with our European neighbours. We want to give young people in Northumberland, a region under-represented in many cultural exchange programmes, the chance to look outward, forge creative friendships, and develop an understanding of how their European contemporaries negotiate their lives as they move towards young adulthood.

A short film has been created and script written by Sue Betts . You can read the script here.

This project has been made possibly by funding from Arts Council England and The Joicey Trust
